Truancy & Attendance
Parents & Students,
It is imperative that you exhaust all efforts to make sure and ensure that your child is attending school. In compliance with the New Mexico Compulsory Law, we have a continued partnership with Desert View Family Counseling Services that will act as a buffer between Juvenile Justice Services and the District Attorney’s office.
If your child has five consecutive unexcused absences, they will automatically be referred to Desert View. If those services from Desert View are declined then the child will be referred to the Juvenile Justice Services and the District Attorney’s Office. In addition to this, starting after Labor Day, students who habitually are absent will receive home visits from the school.
If your student participates in extra-curricular activities or scholastic sports, they must be present in school the day before and the day of the event. The only exception to this is if the student has an official doctor’s note for an excused absence.
Best Regards,
New Mexico Compulsory Law
Desert View Family Counseling Services